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February Break

Martin Luther King, Jr. High School

Dekalb County Schools

IB Course Descriptions

IB Course Descriptions

IB French/Spanish SL (Language B)

Aims of the course are to develop the student’s ability to communicate accurately and effectively in speech and in writing; to develop the ability to understand and respond to the language demands of transactional and social contacts; to provide the student with a sound linguistic base for further study; and to provide the opportunity for enjoyment, creativity and intellectual stimulation. Class is conducted entirely in French or Spanish. A systematic presentation and review of grammatical structures is built into this course and is applied to the four basic language skills. Students are required to read a variety of texts. The course focuses on communication and increased proficiency in listening, speaking, reading and writing. A survey of the history, literature and art of France is a part of this course. Multiple opportunities are provided for students to use the language through small group activities and projects.

IB Literature HL: 

The two-year IB Literature HL course encourages independent, original, critical and clear thinking and promotes respect for a perceptive approach to the understanding and interpretation of literary works. Through the close study of a wide range of literature, this course focuses on the artistry of literature and requires students to reflect critically on their reading. The study of works in translation is especially important in introducing students, through literature, to other cultural perspectives. Students respond to literature through externally graded or moderated oral presentations and oral commentaries, carefully edited analysis papers, and 2-hour essays on both studied and unseen works. Students thus develop and refine their command of language in numerous ways with real world application.

IB History HL: 

History of the Americas is the first and regional component for the IB History curriculum. It is primarily a comparative studies course, which provides in-depth analysis of the entire Western Hemisphere. Students must be able to interpret and critically evaluate primary source material, and present clear, well-substantiated arguments. Students complete the external assessment associated with IB History, which requires that students analytically interpret historical events and topics. This course is designed to provide students with the analytic skills and factual knowledge necessary to deal critically with the problems and challenges inherent in understanding the history of the 20th Century. Themes covered include the struggle for rights and freedoms in the USA and in South Africa.

IB Biology HL:

Major topics for the first year of this course include statistical analysis, cells, the chemistry of life, nucleic acids and proteins, cellular respiration, photosynthesis, genetics and biotechnology. Students will construct, analyze, and evaluate hypotheses (including research questions and predictions), scientific methods (including techniques and procedures), and scientific explanations of the biological world. Major topics for year two include plant science, ecology (including options and accompanying objectives) evolution (including options and accompanying objectives), and human health and physiology. Students will continue to construct, analyze, and evaluate hypotheses (including research questions and predictions), scientific methods (including techniques and procedures), and scientific explanations of the biological world

IB Math Studies SL:

 Math Studies encourages the growth of math exploration and expertise in students with varied background and abilities. Compulsory topics include Numbers and Algebra, Sets and Logic, Geometry and Trigonometry, Statistics and Probability, Functions, Financial Mathematics, and Introductory Differential Calculus. The internal assessment involves the collection and/or generation of data, and the analysis and evaluation of that data. Projects may take the form of mathematical modeling, investigations, applications, and statistical surveys. This course material is equivalent to a high school pre-calculus course.

IB Psychology SL: 

One of the Sixth Subject options, IB Psychology focuses on three basic elements of psychology: biological, cognitive, and sociocultural. Students will be expected to be able to explain how cultural, ethical, gender and methodological considerations affect the interpretation of behavior within the context of the three basic areas; students will also demonstrate the knowledge and skills required for experimental design, data collection, data analysis and interpretation. The course will also explore the application of each perspective through an optional area. Internal assessment will be based upon reproduction of a simple experimental study. The external assessment consists of two papers: Paper One includes the three perspectives of psychology and Paper Two is based on the study of one of the optional areas.

IB Visual Arts SL (Fine Arts):

One of the Sixth Subject options, IB Visual Arts includes the exploration of art history, aesthetics, art criticism, and art production through personal research. Students study artists, world cultures, styles, media, and techniques of their choice. Students maintain one or more Research Workbooks (RWB) in which they make notes about their research and use critical thinking skills to describe, analyze, interpret and make personal judgments about their own artwork and that of others. From this research, students develop personal projects which involve deciding which goals to achieve, whether they wish to work under the influence of another artist or culture, which media to use, and which techniques, equipment, and supplies are needed. Students produce artwork based on those plans which later will be part of their IB Visual Arts exhibit. An examiner from the International Baccalaureate Organization will come to the exhibit, examine the artwork and the RWBs, and then discuss the experience, the RWBs, and the exhibit with each student.

IB Theory of Knowledge (Core):

 Theory of Knowledge is a required capstone or summary course for the International Baccalaureate Diploma Program, beginning second semester the junior year and finishing the first semester of the senior year. In Theory of Knowledge (or TOK), students learn to compare, synthesize, and evaluate the methods of learning acquired in their other IB classes. Students develop critical thinking skills comparing and contrasting Ways of Knowing (Sense Perception, Language,

Emotion and Reason) and Areas of Knowledge (Human Sciences, Natural Sciences, Mathematics, The Arts, Ethics, and History). Assessed items include, first, an internally graded presentation in which students apply Ways of Knowing and Areas of Knowledge to a contemporary issue in a critical fashion. Second, an externally graded edited essay about to what extent we know what we think we do, addressing one of six possible prompts provided by IBO. Non-IB students may apply to take this course, space and scheduling constraints permitting.