DCSD has a virtual ( email & text message only) mentoring platform for our Middle and High School Students!! All DCSD Middle and High school students are eligible to join the Mentoring platform called Student Success Agency. Attached are two parent flyers, a handbook on the program, and the parent consent form the student will have to upload to SSA.
The mentors will communicate with the students by email and text message. This is not a face-to-face mentoring program.
The agency provides:
- Mentors ( they call them agents)
- On-Demand Tutoring
- On Demand Homework Help
- Guidance on financial aid and FAFSA Processes
- College and Career Advising
- Job Application Assistance
- Life Skill Development
- Your students' first step is to text "AGENT" to 214-544-9204, which will connect them with an onboarding team
- The student will then submit the digital parent consent form ( attached).
Parents, Students and Educators, please see this updated List of Cyberbullying Resources!!!!
Please review the attached flyer that promotes the Bullying Prevention Virtual Tour , which will take place on Wednesday, December 2, 2020 at 2pm Est. Please use the following link to register to attend this event:
Below is the unique link for your school’s virtual program.
The month of September has been designated as "Suicide Prevention" month.
Below are links to additional resources and information:
Suicide Warning Signs & Risk Factors English.pdf

This is the link to GCAL where students or adults may chat or text:
The Georgia COVID-19 Emotional Support Line provides free and confidential assistance to callers needing emotional support or resource information as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic. The Emotional Support Line is staffed by volunteers, including mental health professionals and others who have received training in crisis counseling.
Hours of operation: 8 am - 11 pm
Call 866.399.8938.
Speaking to Your Student about COVID-19
Concern about coronavirus can make both children and families anxious. It is important that we communicate to our students the facts about the virus in an age-appropriate way and reassure them that they are safe at home.
Here are some resources to communicate with your student about COVID-19:
These guidelines include:
Helping Students Cope with Stress and Anxiety
This disruption to routine and the overwhelming level of information about COVID-19 can result in students feeling stressed and anxious. It is important to give your student a sense of control by including them in positive meaning-making about the situation and brainstorming ways they can spend this time in a positive and productive way. Encouraging your student to find ways of helping others during this time can frame this time of uncertainty as a time of growth.
Articles about managing stress and coping with anxiety:
Resources to help your student cope with the stress and anxiety:
Limiting Access to Television and Social Media
Ideas for Activities that Do Not Involve a Screen
- Play board games as a family
- Go for a walk outside
- Go for a bike ride
- Bake/cook for fun
- Read a book
- Write in a journal
- Make a card or write a letter and mail it to a friend or family member
- Make something out of all those Amazon boxes
- Create experiments with supplies found around the house
- Get a start on early spring yard work (if weather permits)
- Practice an instrument
- Create art
Activities for Families and Students During School Closure:
Creating a Media Contract with Your Student
During times like this, processing too much information from media can cause more panic and anxiety in students. We recommend limiting the access your student has to media to allow your student space to process all the information and to ask questions. Here are some guidelines for creating a media contract with your student:
- Set family expectations for all devices - whether it is the TV, tablets, computers, or cell phones, set clear expectations about the use of devices and be a role model for your students.
- Guidelines about when and where the device can be used - although this time away from school and work can be stressful, it can also be a time to reconnect as a family. Set guidelines about not using phones while eating meals together or before bed.
- Encourage your student to stop and think before they post - misinformation can result in more panic during this stressful time. Encourage your student to research before reposting anything or to think about if that information will be helpful to others or have negative consequences.
- Respectful behavior and completing online school work earns more privileges - in an effort to motivate students to complete the online school work they are receiving, technology privileges can be used as a reward.
- Have open communication about media content - be open about the information you are aware of and have open discussions with your students about what is going on currently as we are getting new updates each day. If there is a question that you don’t have the answer for, research the information together on reliable websites or news outlets.